
 * Returns a list of addresses filtered on postcode (P6-formatted) and number. The difference with `getAddresses` is that filtering is *required*, otherwise an error is thrown. Instance of GET /addresses.
 * @name getAddressesByPostcodeAndNumber
 * @method
 * @static
 * @since 1.2.0
 * @param {Object} options - Options for performing the API call and influencing the callback.
 * @param {String} options.apiKey - The API-token to access the API.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.returnRateLimit] - If set to true, the callback will be invoked with an extra result containing an object with the limit and the remaining amount of API calls.
 * @param {Object} query - Containing the query for calling the API.
 * @param {String} query.postcode - Must contain the keys postcode (P6-formatted).
 * @param {Number} query.number - The streetnumber of the address that must be queried.
 * @param {Function} callback - A callback which is called when the API-request is finished.
 * @param {Error} callback.error - May contain an instance of Error, if no error occured null is responded.
 * @param {Object} callback.result - Contains the response as a json in exactly the same format as provided by the API. If no results are found, null is responded.
 * @param {Object} [callback.rateLimit] - If requested in options, an object with information about the API limits is returned. Otherwise, it will return undefined.
 * @example
 * const postcodeApi = require('postcode-nl');
 * let options = {
 *   apiKey : 'abcdefghijklmnopQRSTUVWXYZ123',
 *   returnRateLimit : true
 * };
 * let query = {
 *   postcode: '1234AB',
 *   number: 10
 * };
 * postcodeApi.getAddressesByPostcodeAndNumber(options, query, (error, result, rateLimit) => {
 *   if (!error) {
 *     console.log(result); // Shows the output of the API directy in the console
 *     console.log(rateLimit); // Shows the rateLimit information in the console
 *   }
 * });
'use strict';
const helpers = require('./helpers.js');
const api = require('./requestApi.js');

function getAddressesByPostcodeAndNumber(options, query, callback) {
  // Check if postcode is correctly formatted for this API-call
  if (!query.postcode || !helpers.validatePostcodeP6(query.postcode)) {
    return callback(new Error('The key postcode must be in P6-formatted for this API-call'), null);

  // Validate if number is in the query and if it is really a number (as required by external API)
  if (!query.number || typeof(query.number) !== 'number') {
    return callback(new Error('The key number is required in the query and must be an integer'), null);

  // Preparing options for request
  options.url = '' + query.postcode + '&number=' + query.number;
  options.headers = {
    'X-Api-Key' : options.apiKey

  // Executing API-request
  return api.get(options, callback);

module.exports = getAddressesByPostcodeAndNumber;